a - z指数



The 西北地区核心 is the general education academic program that students complete in conjunction with their major/小 degree program to complete their undergraduate degree. The Core consists of 42-44 credit hours that must be completed for graduation. The 西北地区核心 courses, 结合专业, 小, 选修课程, total a minimum of 120 credit hours for degree completion.

西北地区核心 学者 Requirements


For additional questions about the Northwest core, please contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@forestnhill.com or 660.562.1151.

General Education Requirements

In order to complete a bachelor's degree, students must take the general education requirements for their specific degree, plus major and/or 小 requirements as specified by the department, plus electives as needed to total a minimum of 124 semester hours. There are a minimum of 42 hours of general education courses that must be completed for graduation.

大学研讨会 1
书面交流 6
Any student with ACT English score of 19岁或以上
英语10-111作文 3
英语10-112作文 3
For students with ACT English score of 27岁或以上
英语10-115作文 3
Eng ACT credit upon successful completion of Eng 10-115, except
for students with previous English composition credit.

Students who have an ACT English score of 27岁或以上 may elect to take Eng 10-111 and Eng 10-112. Students with credit for Eng 10-111 and an ACT English score of 27岁或以上 may elect to take Eng 10-115 for three hours credit rather than Eng 10-112. No student may receive more than six hours of credit for the freshman composition requirement.

NOTE: Eng 10-110 Developmental English is a prerequisite for students who do not meet placement criteria for Eng 10-111.

口头交流 3
Com 29-102 Fundamentals of 口头交流 3
数学 (Advisement necessary for correct selection) 3
Required: One of the following courses:
Math 17-110 Finite 数学 4
Math 17-114 General Statistics 3
Math 17-115 Concepts of 数学 3
数学17-117微积分基础 4
Math 17-118 College Algebra 3
数学17-120微积分1 4
Math 17-171 Fundamentals of 数学 3
政治科学 3
PolS 34-102 Introduction to American Government & 政治 3
OR PolS 34-201 Missouri 政治 (see note below) 1
NOTE: PolS 34-201 is the required course for students who have credit for an American Government course which did not include a study of the Missouri Constitution. (Students successfully completing PolS 34-203 State and Local Government at Northwest may have PolS 34-201 Missouri 政治 waived. See chairperson of the Department of Humanities and 社会科学 for approval of this waiver.)
历史 3
Hist 33-155 America-A Historical Survey 3
Life and 物理科学 8
Required: One course from each area.
Agri 03-130 Plant Science 4
Biol 04-102/103 General Biology/Lab 4
Biol 04-106/107 Principles of Biology/Lab 4
Bio 04-114/115 General Zoology/Lab 4
Chem 24-112/113 General Chemistry/Lab 4
Chem 24-114/115 General Chemistry I/Lab 4
Geol 27-110/111 General Geology/Lab 4
Geol 27-114/115 General Earth Science/Lab 4
Phys 25-110/111 General Physics I/Lab 4
Phys 25-112/113 General Physics II/Lab 4
Phys 25-120/121 Fundamentals of Classical Physics I/Lab 5
Phsc 40-102/103 The 物理科学 /Lab 4
Phsc 40-122/123 Descriptive Astronomy/Lab 4
人文与美术 9
Required: One course from each area.
Engl 10-220 Introduction to 文学 3
Com 29-235 Introduction to Classical Rhetoric 3
Hum 26-102 Western Civilization I: The Ancient World to 1500 3
Hum 26-103 Western Civilization II: 1500 to the Present 3
Hum 26-104 The Humanities, The Eastern World 3
Phil 39-171 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Phil 39-274, 275, 276 Introduction to Ethics 3
PolS 34-105 The African World 3
Art 13-102 Art Appreciation 3
Art 13-109 Survey of Art I: Prehistory through Medieval Art  3
Art 13-111 Survey of Art II: Renaissance to the Present  3
Mus 19-201 The Enjoyment of Music 3
Mus 19-202 Jazz Appreciation 3
PE 22-262 历史 of Dance 3
Thea 43-101 Theatre Appreciation 3
Social and 行为科学 6
Required: One course from each area.
Education degrees require Psyc 08-303 Educational Psychology.
Ag 03-102 Introductory Agricultural Economics 3
Econ 52-130 Survey of Economics 3
Econ 52-150 General Economics I 3
Geog 32-101 Introduction to Geography 3
Soc 35-101 General Sociology 3
Soc 35-108 General Anthropology 3
Psyc 08-103 General Psychology 3
Psyc 08-303 Educational Psychology 3
Total General Education Requirements 42